Need help processing processing credit card transactions? You’ve come to the right place!
Are your patients asking to pay via credit card but you don’t want the administrative burden of setting up your own in house credit card processing? Look no further than Mediregi Billing Services. Mediregi will handle all your credit card transactions so that you can accept credit cards as a form of payment and GET PAID FASTER.
Contact us today for further details.
514-735-5375 (#298)
Reasons you’ll love Mediregi:
- Our customer service is unparalleled.
- Our vast network of clients allows us to recommend acts that your peers are performing that you may not know about.
- We track changes at the RAMQ and notify you immediately when changes are made that will affect you.
- There are no contracts to sign and no hidden fees!

“I am very satisfied by the service I’ve received from Médirégi. For the three years that I’ve been doing my billing with them, the amount of claims refused by RAMQ has decreased dramatically. Their team of professionals will follow up any issue rigorously and conscientiously, will answer questions promptly and offer excellent customer support conducive to better medical billing.” – Dr. Nabil Irani